
Kalil Diaz


Kalil Diaz

At a young age I would always question the great disparity that existed between the children on the streets and me. They seemed different as they would often be barefoot and not have any toys. As I grew older, I continued to learn about poverty and how it was the determining factor between a prosperous life and one full of hardships.


I came to Montreal for school and realized that I had to do something about the underprivileged children back home. I knew I was not going to change the situation overnight, but working with David to create Explore Dominican Republic was the perfect start. Today, I am happy to see our organization growing rapidly and increasing its overall impact on Dominican children.


I envision Explore DR as directly helping children in our communities, but serving as an enabler for everyone to do something. Whether you would like to start your own project or get involved with us, we would like to get to know you. The only way we can achieve our vision of giving EVERY child a chance at life is by encouraging everyone to give at least a bit of their time or means. I look forward to meeting you at one of our events!



David Betances


David Betances

I envisioned Explore DR as my greatest and most influential experience in over nine years of charitable work. I started out during my middle school years teaching students English and computers, building houses, donating food and medicine, and counseling at summer camps for orphans.


When I moved to Montreal, Kalil and I started Explore DR to continue our commitment towards our country’s improvement. My goal for this project was to increase awareness and let people know more about the Dominican Republic. At the same time, have the opportunity to help out children in my country and help eliminate some of their problems with things that we often take for granted.


Moving to Miami gave us the opportunity to expand our reach from where we can receive help for our projects in the Dominican Republic. I do not only want people to give money or donations but to get involved and make this their experience. I hope that with our help we can make a big difference in these children’s live. Reach out to us and get involved in our events. Let’s make a change.